Category: Commentary

Valentine’s Candy Heart Metallic Print Shirts to go with Launch of Protest Campaign!

Big Sis is so into taking our naked body pictures, (as well as, yuk, giving us her own), that it only seems right to launch a line of special Valentine’s Day themed Body Scanner Attitude protest apparel!

With candy heart designs like “I C U 2”, “NOT 4 U”, and “You Wish”, you can tell TSA, Big Gov’t, and Big Sis herself what you think of body scanner electronic strip searches. We never compromise security, but we sure as heck do protest phony security theater!

Launched just in time for the announcement of our Long Term Campaign to Render Body Scanners Moot, order in time for your Valentine’s Day traveling, as a gift for a special someone, or have them sent to your congressman and senator. While we can have fun ridiculing our pervy Uncle Sam for demanding naked pictures of us, it is still an extremely serious issue, and what better way to get Congress’ attention, so they will act quickly to put a stop to degrading naked body scanners and official government agent body-feelers.